Example config for a one area FPGA/DAQmx system using one NI-6259 card and a NI-7962R FPGA with NI FlexRio 5771 adapter module.

In this configuration the adapter module does 1.5GHz sampling and integration of the PMT signals.

Connect PMTs to high gain pulse amplifiers and then to AI0 and AI1 of the adapter.

Copy ScopeDefinesExamples.h (which is in the repository) to ScopeDefine.h by using Windows Explorer (not Visual Studio!). Git ignores ScopeDefines.h so that you can adapt this to your needs without messing up for other people. Now choose the following defines in ScopeDefines.h

  • #define SCOPE_NAREAS 1
  • #define SCOPE_USE_FPGAANALOGINTEGRATOR_INPUTS and xyz hardware as you want it e.g. #define SCOPE_USE_NOXYFPUSTAGE and #define SCOPE_USE_GALIL_XYZSTAGE. Then compile your scope.exe.