▼ scope | |
► controllers | |
BaseController.cpp | |
BaseController.h | |
BaseController_p.h | |
DaqController.cpp | |
DaqController.h | |
DaqController_p.h | |
DisplayController.cpp | |
DisplayController.h | |
DisplayController_p.h | |
FPUController.cpp | |
FPUController.h | |
PipelineController.cpp | |
PipelineController.h | |
PipelineController_p.h | |
ScopeController.cpp | |
ScopeController.h | |
ScopeController_p.h | |
ScopeControllerModes.h | |
ScopeLogger.cpp | |
ScopeLogger.h | |
ScopeLogger_p.h | |
StorageController.cpp | |
StorageController.h | |
StorageController_p.h | |
► devices | |
► daqmx | |
DAQmxTask.cpp | |
DAQmxTask.h | |
► fpga | |
► 40Mhz Demultiplexer | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771.h | |
► 80 Mhz Demultiplexer | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771.h | |
► all samples | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771.h | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexer.cpp | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexer.h | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexerResonance.cpp | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexerResonance.h | |
FPGAAnalogIntegrator.cpp | |
FPGAAnalogIntegrator.h | |
FPGADigitalDemultiplexer.cpp | |
FPGADigitalDemultiplexer.h | |
FPGAInterface.cpp | |
FPGAInterface.h | |
FPGAIO5751.cpp | |
FPGAIO5751.h | |
FPGAIO5771.cpp | |
FPGAIO5771.h | |
FPGAIO6587.cpp | |
FPGAIO6587.h | |
FPGANoiseOutput.cpp | |
FPGANoiseOutput.h | |
FPGAPhotonCounter.cpp | |
FPGAPhotonCounter.h | |
FPGAResonanceScanner.cpp | |
FPGAResonanceScanner.h | |
FPGAResonanceScanner_NI5771.cpp | |
FPGAResonanceScanner_NI5771.h | |
NiFpga.c | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexer_NI5771.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexer_NI5771_Resonance.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_backup.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_drop_first_sample.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_drop_first_two_sample.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_dynam_baseline1b.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_dynam_baseline_1a.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_dynam_baseline_2.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_dynamic_cutoff.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_hard_cutoff.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogDemultiplexerV2_NI5771_jerry.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogIntegrator_NI5771.h | |
NiFpga_AnalogIntegrator_NI5771_Resonance.h | |
NiFpga_Demultiplexer_Laser80VerySimple160.h | |
NiFpga_DigitalDemultiplexerV3.h | |
NiFpga_NoiseOutput_PXIe7962R.h | |
NiFpga_PhotonCounterV2.h | |
NiFpga_ResonanceScanner.h | |
► xyz | |
GalilController.cpp | |
GalilController.h | |
SerialConnection.cpp | |
SerialConnection.h | |
SutterController.cpp | |
SutterController.h | |
XYControl.cpp | |
XYControl.h | |
XYControlStanda.cpp | |
XYControlStanda.h | |
XYZControl.cpp | |
XYZControl.h | |
XYZControlGalil.cpp | |
XYZControlGalil.h | |
XYZControlSutter.cpp | |
XYZControlSutter.h | |
GaterDAQmx.cpp | |
GaterDAQmx.h | |
Inputs.cpp | |
Inputs.h | |
InputsDAQmx.cpp | |
InputsDAQmx.h | |
InputsFPGA.cpp | |
InputsFPGA.h | |
Outputs.cpp | |
Outputs.h | |
OutputsDAQmx.cpp | |
OutputsDAQmx.h | |
OutputsDAQmxLineClock.cpp | |
OutputsDAQmxLineClock.h | |
OutputsDAQmxResonance.cpp | |
OutputsDAQmxResonance.h | |
OutputsDAQmxSlave.cpp | |
OutputsDAQmxSlave.h | |
Shutter.cpp | |
Shutter.h | |
StimulationsDAQmx.cpp | |
StimulationsDAQmx.h | |
StimulationVector.cpp | |
StimulationVector.h | |
SwitchResonance.cpp | |
SwitchResonance.h | |
ZoomResonance.cpp | |
ZoomResonance.h | |
► gui | |
► controls | |
ScopeButtonCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeButtonCtrl.h | |
ScopeCheckBoxCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeCheckBoxCtrl.h | |
ScopeColorComboCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeColorComboCtrl.h | |
ScopeEditCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeEditCtrl.h | |
ScopeFOVDiagram.cpp | |
ScopeFOVDiagram.h | |
ScopeLEDCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeLEDCtrl.h | |
ScopeProgressCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeProgressCtrl.h | |
ScopeScrollbarCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeScrollbarCtrl.h | |
ScopeSliderCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeSliderCtrl.h | |
ScopeUpDownCtrl.cpp | |
ScopeUpDownCtrl.h | |
► direct2d | |
D2ChannelRender.cpp | |
D2ChannelRender.h | |
D2HistogramRender.cpp | |
D2HistogramRender.h | |
d2wrap.cpp | |
d2wrap.h | Parts of the code are modified from Microsoft's Direct2D nbody example: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation |
AboutDlg.cpp | |
AboutDlg.h | |
AreaChooseDlg.cpp | |
AreaChooseDlg.h | |
BehaviorSettingsPage.cpp | |
BehaviorSettingsPage.h | |
ChannelFrame.cpp | |
ChannelFrame.h | |
ChannelView.cpp | |
ChannelView.h | |
DAQmxPage.cpp | |
DAQmxPage.h | |
ExperimentSettingsSheet.cpp | |
ExperimentSettingsSheet.h | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexerPage.cpp | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexerPage.h | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexerResonancePage.cpp | |
FPGAAnalogDemultiplexerResonancePage.h | |
FPGAAnalogIntegratorPage.cpp | |
FPGAAnalogIntegratorPage.h | |
FPGADigitalDemultiplexerPage.cpp | |
FPGADigitalDemultiplexerPage.h | |
FPGANoiseOutputPage.cpp | |
FPGANoiseOutputPage.h | |
FPGAPhotonCounterPage.cpp | |
FPGAPhotonCounterPage.h | |
FPGAResonanceScanner_NI5771Page.cpp | |
FPGAResonanceScanner_NI5771Page.h | |
FPGAResonanceScannerPage.cpp | |
FPGAResonanceScannerPage.h | |
FPUControlPage.cpp | |
FPUControlPage.h | |
FrameScanBasePage.cpp | |
FrameScanBasePage.h | |
FrameScanBidiPage.cpp | |
FrameScanBidiPage.h | |
FrameScanHopperPage.cpp | |
FrameScanHopperPage.h | |
FrameScanResonancePage.cpp | |
FrameScanResonancePage.h | |
FrameScanSawPage.cpp | |
FrameScanSawPage.h | |
HistogramFrame.cpp | |
HistogramFrame.h | |
HistogramView.cpp | |
HistogramView.h | |
LogFrame.cpp | |
LogFrame.h | |
LogView.cpp | |
LogView.h | |
MainDlgFrame.cpp | |
MainDlgFrame.h | |
MainDlgView.cpp | |
MainDlgView.h | |
MovementPage.cpp | |
MovementPage.h | |
MovementSettingsSheet.cpp | |
MovementSettingsSheet.h | |
NoScanBasePage.cpp | |
NoScanBasePage.h | |
PresetNameDlg.cpp | |
PresetNameDlg.h | |
ScanModesSettingsPage.cpp | |
ScanModesSettingsPage.h | |
ScanSettingsSheet.cpp | |
ScanSettingsSheet.h | |
StackSettingsPage.cpp | |
StackSettingsPage.h | |
StimulationSettingsPage.cpp | |
StimulationSettingsPage.h | |
StorageSettingsPage.cpp | |
StorageSettingsPage.h | |
TimeSeriesSettingsPage.cpp | |
TimeSeriesSettingsPage.h | |
XYZControlPage.cpp | |
XYZControlPage.h | |
► helpers | |
Active.cpp | |
Active.h | |
DaqChunk.cpp | |
DaqChunk.h | |
DaqChunkResonance.cpp | |
DaqChunkResonance.h | |
FPGAException.h | |
helpers.cpp | |
helpers.h | Various helper functions and classes for Scope |
hresult_exception.h | |
lut.cpp | |
lut.h | Following http://www.mochima.com/articles/LUT/lut_h.html |
pixel.cpp | |
pixel.h | The BGRA8Pixel struct and various related helpers for color conversions |
ScopeButton.cpp | |
ScopeButton.h | |
ScopeException.cpp | |
ScopeException.h | |
ScopeHistogram.cpp | |
ScopeHistogram.h | |
ScopeImage.cpp | |
ScopeImage.h | |
ScopeMultiHistogram.cpp | |
ScopeMultiHistogram.h | |
ScopeMultiImage.cpp | |
ScopeMultiImage.h | |
ScopeMultiImageEncoder.cpp | |
ScopeMultiImageEncoder.h | |
ScopeMultiImageResonanceSW.cpp | |
ScopeMultiImageResonanceSW.h | |
ScopeNumber.cpp | |
ScopeNumber.h | |
ScopeOverlay.cpp | |
ScopeOverlay.h | |
ScopeOverlayResonanceSW.cpp | |
ScopeOverlayResonanceSW.h | |
ScopeScanModeButton.cpp | |
ScopeScanModeButton.h | |
ScopeString.h | |
ScopeValue.cpp | |
ScopeValue.h | |
ScopeValueBase.cpp | |
ScopeValueBase.h | |
SyncQueues.cpp | |
SyncQueues.h | |
► parameters | |
Base.cpp | |
Base.h | |
Devices.cpp | |
Devices.h | |
Framescan.cpp | |
Framescan.h | |
IO.cpp | |
IO.h | |
Plane.cpp | |
Plane.h | |
Runstates.cpp | |
Runstates.h | |
Scope.cpp | |
Scope.h | |
Storage.cpp | |
Storage.h | |
Windows.cpp | |
Windows.h | |
► scanmodes | |
PixelmapperBasic.cpp | |
PixelmapperBasic.h | |
PixelmapperFrameBiDi.cpp | |
PixelmapperFrameBiDi.h | |
PixelmapperFrameResonanceHW.cpp | |
PixelmapperFrameResonanceHW.h | |
PixelmapperFrameResonanceSW.cpp | |
PixelmapperFrameResonanceSW.h | |
PixelmapperFrameSaw.cpp | |
PixelmapperFrameSaw.h | |
ScannerVectorFrameBasic.cpp | |
ScannerVectorFrameBasic.h | |
ScannerVectorFrameBiDi.cpp | |
ScannerVectorFrameBiDi.h | |
ScannerVectorFramePlaneHopper.cpp | |
ScannerVectorFramePlaneHopper.h | |
ScannerVectorFrameResonanceBiDi.cpp | |
ScannerVectorFrameResonanceBiDi.h | |
ScannerVectorFrameResonanceHopper.cpp | |
ScannerVectorFrameResonanceHopper.h | |
ScannerVectorFrameSaw.cpp | |
ScannerVectorFrameSaw.h | |
Documentation.h | This file has all the extra documentation in it |
resource.h | |
scope.cpp | This is the main file for the Scope.exe |
scope.h | |
ScopeDatatypes.cpp | |
ScopeDatatypes.h | In here all declarations for all kinds of datatypes Scope needs |
ScopeDefines.cpp | |
stdafx.cpp | |
stdafx.h | This is the include file for standard system include files, or project specific include files that are used frequently, but are changed infrequently |
version.h | |