►Nd2d | Wrappers around the Direct2D interface |
CD2ChannelRender | Handles all Direct2D rendering in a CChannelView |
Cd2dfactory | Simple wrapper around a Direct2D factory |
CD2HistogramRender | Handles all Direct2D rendering in a CHistogramView |
CDPIScale | Helper class to convert from screen mouse coordinates to device independent pixels for Direct2D |
CRenderTarget | Wrapper around a Direct2D render target and the underlying Direct2D factory and IDWriteFactory |
►NDAQmx | This is basically a C++ wrapper around NI's DAQmx C library |
CCDAQmxAnalogInTask | Wraps a DAQmx Analog Input Task |
CCDAQmxAnalogOutTask | Wraps a DAQmx Analog Output task |
CCDAQmxCounterOutTask | Wraps a DAQmx Counter Output task |
CCDAQmxDigitalOutTask | Wraps a DAQmx Digital Output task |
CCDAQmxTask | Base class for DAQmx tasks |
►Nscope | |
►Ngui | All classes for the user interface, all derived from WTL classes |
CCAboutDlg | Shows information about Scope |
CCAreaChooseDlg | Simple dialog for choosing an area |
CCBehaviorSettingsPage | Property page for settings of behavior triggered scanning |
CCChannelFrame | Manages the display of images |
CCChannelView | CChannelView is just a dumb holder for the renderer and takes care of window resizes etc |
CCDAQmxPage | Class for the DAQmx inputs property page |
CCExperimentSettingsSheet | Settings sheet for the various property sheets dealing with different experiment types |
CCFPGAAnalogDemultiplexerPage | Class for the analog demultiplexer FPGA infos property page |
CCFPGAAnalogDemultiplexerResonancePage | Class for the analog demultiplexer FPGA infos property page |
CCFPGAAnalogIntegratorPage | Class for the analog integrator FPGA info property page |
CCFPGADigitalDemultiplexerPage | Class for the digital demultiplexer FPGA infos property page |
CCFPGANoiseOutputPage | Class for the noise output FPGA infos property page |
CCFPGAPhotonCounterPage | Class for the photon counter FPGA infos property page |
CCFPGAResonanceScannerNI5771Page | Class for the analog integrator FPGA info property page |
CCFPGAResonanceScannerPage | Class for the analog integrator FPGA info property page |
CCFPUControlPage | Property page for FPU stage settings |
CCFrameScanBasePage | Base class for all frame scan property pages |
CCFrameScanBidiPage | Property page for bidirectional frame scan |
CCFrameScanHopperPage | Property page for bidirectional frame scan |
CCFrameScanResonancePage | Property page for frame scan with resonance scanner |
CCFrameScanSawPage | Property page for sawtooth frame scan |
CCHistogramFrame | Manages the display of histograms |
CCHistogramView | CHistogramView is a holder for the renderer, calculates histograms, and takes care of window resizes and mouse/limit bar movements |
CCLogFrame | Frame window class for the log |
CCLogView | View class for the log |
CCMainDlgFrame | The main application dialog frame |
CCMainDlgView | View class of the main dialog |
CCMovementPage | Property page for stage settings |
CCMovementSettingsSheet | Settings sheet that has settings pages for all movement/stages related stuff, resided inside the CMovementPage |
CCNoScanBasePage | Base class for all scanning and non-scanning scan property pages, i.e |
CCPresetNameDlg | Simple dialog for naming a preset |
CCScanModesSettingsPage | Property page for storage related options |
CCScanSettingsSheet | Settings sheet that has settings pages for different parameter sets |
CCScopeButtonCtrl | An adapted CButton control around a ScopeButton |
CCScopeCheckBoxCtrl | An adapted CButton control as checkbox around a ScopeValue<bool> |
CCScopeColorComboCtrl | Simple class derivec from CComboBoxEx, added only method InitializeColors wich fills combo with color icons and text from lut.h |
CCScopeEditCtrl | An adapted CEdit control around a ScopeValue |
CCScopeFOVDiagram | Owner-drawn control that displays the total FOV and the smaller FOV of the areas |
CCScopeLEDCtrl | An adapted CBitmapButton control around a ScopeNumber<bool> to show true or false as green or red LED |
CCScopeProgressCtrl | An adapted CProgressBarCtrl control around a ScopeNumber<double> |
CCScopeScrollbarCtrl | An adapted CScrollB ar control around a ScopeNumber<double> |
CCScopeSliderCtrl | An adapted CTrackBarCtrl control around a ScopeNumber<double> |
CCScopeUpDownCtrl | An adapted CUpDownCtrl control around a ScopeNumber |
CCStackSettingsPage | Settings page for stack scan stuff |
CCStimulationSettingsPage | Settings page for stimulation stuff |
CCStorageSettingsPage | Property page for storage related options |
CCTimeSeriesSettingsPage | Property page for settings of simeseries scanning |
CCXYZControlPage | Property page for XYZ stage settings |
►Nparameters | All parameters live in this namespace |
CArea | Parameters for a whole area (includes a daq and a fpu) |
CBase | All parameter classes derive from this |
CBehavior | Parameters for behavior triggered acquisition |
CDaq | All parameters for scanner data generation and pixel acquisition If you add/remove parameters or derive classes from this, do not forget to update the Load and Save methods for your new members! |
CFastZControl | Parameters for a fast Z drive that is controlled by a voltage |
CFastZControlETL | Parameters for an ETL |
CInputs | Parameters for pixel acquisition, base class |
►CInputsDAQmx | Parameters for pixel acquisition with NI-DAQmx |
CDiagnosis | Some diagnosis parameters, more useful for FPGAs .. |
CInputsFPGA | Parameters for pixel acquisition with NI-FPGA |
►CInputsFPGAAnalogDemultiplexer | Parameters for pixel acquisition FPGAAnalogDemultiplexer |
CDiagnosis | Keeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together |
►CInputsFPGAAnalogIntegrator | Parameters for pixel acquisition FPGAAnalogIntegrator |
CDiagnosis | Keeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together |
►CInputsFPGADigitalDemultiplexer | Parameters for pixel acquisition with FPGADigitalDemultiplexer |
CDiagnosis | Keeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together |
CInputsFPGAIO5751 | Parameters for pixel acquisition using the NI FlexRIO 5751 IO adapter module (14-bit digitizer) |
CInputsFPGAIO5771 | Parameters for pixel acquisition using the NI FlexRIO 5771 IO adapter module (high-speed 8-bit digitizer) |
CInputsFPGAIO6587 | Parameters for pixel acquisition using the NI FlexRIO 6587 IO adapter module (high-speed LVDS digital input card) |
►CInputsFPGANoiseOutput | Parameters for the noise generating FPGA vi |
CDiagnosis | Keeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together |
►CInputsFPGAPhotonCounter | Parameters for pixel acquisition with FPGAPhotonCounter |
CDiagnosis | Keeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together |
►CInputsFPGAResonanceScanner | Parameters for pixel acquisition FPGAResonanceScanner |
CDiagnosis | Keeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together |
COutputs | Parameters for scanner data generation, base class |
COutputsDAQmx | Parameters for x/y-scanner/fast z/Pockels signal generation with NI-DAQmx where all output channels (xyzp) are driven by the same (pixel) clock |
COutputsDAQmxLineClock | Parameters for x/y-scanner/fast z/Pockels signal generation with NI-DAQmx where xp are driven by a pixel clock and yz by a line clock |
COutputsDAQmxResonance | Parameters for signal generation for y scanner and digital zoom with NI-DAQmx when the x scanner is a resonance scanner |
COutputsDAQmxSlave | Parameters for fastz/Pockels signal generation with NI-DAQmx where zp are driven by a pixel clock from the master area |
CPlaneProperties | Parameters of a single plane for fast plane hopping/switching |
CScannerVector | Parameters for the ScannerVector |
►CScannerVectorFrameBasic | Parameters for a ScannerVectorFrameBasic |
CPreset | The class for presets |
►CScannerVectorFrameBiDi | Parameters for a ScannerVectorFrameBiDi |
CPreset | The class for presets |
►CScannerVectorFramePlaneHopper | Parameters for a ScannerVectorFramePlaneHopper |
CPreset | The class for presets |
►CScannerVectorFrameResonance | Parameters for a ScannerVectorFrameResonance |
CPreset | The class for presets |
►CScannerVectorFrameSaw | Parameters for a ScannerVectorFrameSaw |
CPreset | The class for presets |
CScannerVectorLine | Parameters for a ScannerVectorLine |
CScope | The master parameters class |
CStack | Parameters for stack acquisition |
CStimulation | Parameters for digital stimulation output |
CStorage | Parameters for storage |
CTimeseries | Parameters for timeseries acquisition |
CWindow | Parameters for all frames/windows on screen |
CWindowCollection | Parameters for all frames/windows on screen |
CXYControl | Parameters for a general xy stage |
CXYControlGalil | Parameters for a Galil controller xy stage (e.g |
CXYControlStanda | Parameters for a Standa xy stage |
CXYZControl | Parameters for a general XYZ stage |
CXYZControlGalil | Parameters for a Galil XYZ stage (e.g |
CXYZControlSutter | Parameters for a Sutter XYZ stage |
►CBaseController | Base class for all controllers |
CImpl | Implementation class of the BaseController, uses std::async to execute worker functions in a separate thread |
CBehaviorModeHelper | How does the animal behavior trigger/gate acquisition? |
CBGRA8Pixel | Encapsulated a 4-byte pixel in BGRA format for use with Direct2D |
CColorProps | Encapsulated lower and upper limit for range adjustment and color for displaying |
CDaqChunk | A DaqChunk contains data from all channels sequentially |
CDaqChunkResonance | A DaqChunk contains data from all channels sequentially and additionally a bool vector for the resonance scanner sync signal |
►CDaqController | The DaqController controls the data acquisition hardware, both outputs for scanners as well as input from PMTs |
CImpl | The implementation class of the DaqController |
CDaqModeHelper | Describes the data acquisiton mode |
CDaqSamplingHelper | Sampling method (depending on card etc), either simultaneous (clock independent of channel number) or non-simultaneous samplingrate is maxrateaggregate/nochannels |
CDaqTimingHelper | Class for the DAQmx timing, either by onboard clock, through a reference clock or by an external clock signal |
►CDisplayController | The display controller handles displaying images and histograms |
CImpl | The implementation class of the DisplayController |
CFPGAAnalogDemultiplexer | Wraps an FPGA that does two area demultiplexing and analog integration with the NI 5771 FlexRio adapter module on the NI 7962R FPGA |
CFPGAAnalogDemultiplexerResonance | Wraps an FPGA that does two area demultiplexing and analog integration with the NI 5771 FlexRio adapter module on the NI 7962R FPGA |
CFPGAAnalogIntegrator | Wraps an FPGA that does analog pixel integration (with the NI 5771 FlexRIO adapter module http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/210735) |
CFPGADigitalDemultiplexer | Wraps an FPGA that does two area demultiplexing and photon counting |
CFPGAException | An exception for FPGA stuff |
CFPGAInterface | Abstract base class for FPGA classes |
CFPGAIO5751 | Handels the NI FlexRIO adapter module IO-5751 |
CFPGAIO5771 | Handels the NI FlexRIO adapter module IO-5771 |
CFPGAIO6587 | Handels the NI FlexRIO adapter module IO-6587 |
CFPGANoiseOutput | FPGA class for vi that generates random pixel data |
CFPGAPhotonCounter | Wraps an FPGA that does photon counting (for Version 2 VI) |
CFPGAResonanceScanner | Wraps an FPGA that does analog pixel integration (with the NI 5751 FlexRIO adapter module http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/209099) |
CFPGAResonanceScannerNI5771 | Wraps an FPGA that does analog pixel integration (with the NI 5771 FlexRIO adapter module http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/210735) |
CFPGAStatusChecker | Helper class to check the FPGA status value returned from NI FPGA C API |
CFPGAStatusT | Wrapper class for the FPGA status, templatized for throwing or non-throwing |
CFPUController | The FPUController |
CGaterDAQmx | Starts a DAQmx task that waits until the digital line is either high or low (depending on _waitforhigh) or until condition variable is notified |
CInputs | Wraps hardware connection for signal input from PMTs |
CInputsDAQmx | Wraps hardware connection for signal input from PMTs with NI-DAQmx |
CInputsFPGA | Wraps hardware connection for signal input from PMTs using an NI FPGA |
CInputsTypeHelper | Describes the type of signal input from PMTs |
CLUT_function | Class for generating a lookup table by providing a function to the constructor |
COutputs | Wraps hardware connection for signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell |
COutputsDAQmx | Wraps hardware connection for signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx |
COutputsDAQmxLineClock | Wraps hardware connection for signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx |
COutputsDAQmxResonance | Wraps hardware connection for signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx |
COutputsDAQmxSlave | Wraps hardware connection for signal output to fast z control and pockels cell (for a slave area without its own scanner) with NI-DAQmx |
COutputsTypeHelper | Describes the type of signals output to scanners/fast z/Pockels |
►CPipelineController | The PipelineController controls everything from pixels to complete images, i.e |
CImpl | The implementation class of the PipelineController |
CPixelmapperBasic | Parent class for pixel mappers |
CPixelmapperFrameBiDi | Maps acquired pixels into an image, takes care of return fractions I: real image, forth scan, J: real image, back scan, R: return Chunk has all samples C&I&R, but we only want to use I samples (and the J samples in reverse order as they come) |
CPixelmapperFrameResonanceHW | Maps acquired pixels into an image analysing the resonance scanner sync signal, takes care of return fractions, forth/back lines etc |
CPixelmapperFrameResonanceSW | Maps acquired pixels into an image analysing the resonance scanner sync signal, takes care of return fractions, forth/back lines etc |
CPixelmapperFrameSaw | Maps acquired pixels into an image, takes care of onset cutoff, retrace etc |
CRunStateHelper | Describes the actual state of the scope |
CScannerSupportedVectors | Describes the scanner vector types that are supported for a given scanner type |
CScannerTypeHelper | Describes the type of scanner |
CScannerVectorFillTypeHelper | Describes the scanner vector fill type for different parameters::Outputs types : |
CScannerVectorFrameBasic | Parent class for frame scans |
CScannerVectorFrameBiDi | A scanner vector for bidirectional frame scanning |
CScannerVectorFramePlaneHopper | Frame scanning with ETL plane hopping |
CScannerVectorFrameResonanceBiDi | Calculates scanner, fast z, and pockels control voltages for a bidirectional frame scan with a resonance scanner |
CScannerVectorFrameResonanceHopper | |
CScannerVectorFrameSaw | Calculates scanner, fast z, and pockels control voltages for a saw tooth frame scan |
CScannerVectorTypeHelper | Describes the scanner vector type |
CScopeButton | Mimicks a button, glue between the GUI and controller, used in ScopeController |
►CScopeController | Main controller of microscope hardware and acquisition, also interface to the GUI |
CFPUButtons | Keeps the buttons controlling FPU movements together |
CImpl | The implementation class of the ScopeController |
CModeLiveImpl | The implementation class of the ScopeController |
CScanModeButtons | Keeps the buttons controlling scan modes together |
CScopeControllerModeBasic | |
CScopeDatatypeBase | Base class for all Scope datatypes here, provides a uniform interface (and saves typing...) |
CScopeException | Simple exception class for Scope |
CScopeHistogram | A histogram for a uint16_t image with uint32_t counts |
CScopeImage | A general image class |
CScopeImageAccess | Gives RAII safe access (read&write) to the pixeldata of a ScopeImage |
CScopeImageConstAccess | Gives RAII safe const access (read-only) to the pixeldata of a ScopeImage |
►CScopeLogger | A logger class to log various messages and user comments |
CImpl | Implementation class of the ScopeLogger |
CScopeMultiHistogram | A multi channel histogram |
CScopeMultiImage | A multichannel image |
CScopeMultiImageEncoder | Encodes multi images to TIFF using Windows Imaging Components |
CScopeMultiImageResonanceSW | A multichannel image |
CScopeNumber | A templated class for a thread-safe numeric value, with signals that are called on value changes |
CScopeOverlay | Overlay of several gray-scale/uint16_t channels into one BGRA8 image |
CScopeOverlayResonanceSW | Overlay of several gray-scale/uint16_t channels into one BGRA8 image |
CScopeScanModeButton | Button type for scan mode switching |
CScopeString | A templated class for a thread-safe std::wstring, with signals that are called on value changes |
CScopeValue | A templated class for a thread-safe value, with signals to GUI or other stuff that are called on value changes |
CScopeValueBase | Base class for a thread-safe value, with signals that are called on value changes |
CSerialConnection | Class around a Win32 API serial connection |
CShutter | Controls a shutter via DAQmx one line digital output |
CStimulationsDAQmx | Wraps hardware connection for stimulation output with NI-DAQmx |
CStimulationVector | Calculates a basic digital stimulation pattern |
►CStorageController | The StorageController controls the conversion of multi images to TIFF and the storage of those |
CImpl | The implementation class of the StorageController |
CSwitchResonance | Controls the relay for turning on and off the resonance scanner via DAQmx one line digital output |
CUint16RangeHelper | Enum for the usable data input range |
CXYControl | Base class to control an xy-stage |
CXYZControl | Base class to control an xyz-stage |
CZDeviceHelper | The type of z control device that is used for a stack |
CZeroOutputsDAQmx | Wraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx |
CZeroOutputsDAQmxLineClock | Wraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx |
CZeroOutputsDAQmxResonance | Wraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx |
CZeroOutputsDAQmxSlave | Wraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to fast z control and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx |
CZoomResonance | Controls the four-step zoom scaling for a resonance scanner by two DAQmx digital line outputs |
CActive | An active object implementation |
Chresult_exception | Exception class for HRESULTs |
CHResultChecker | Templated helper class to check an HRESULT and throw an exception (or not throw) |
CHResultChecker< false > | Helper class definition to check an HRESULT and not throw an exception |
CHResultChecker< true > | Helper class definition to check an HRESULT and throw an exception (currently disabled!) |
CHResultT | Class around a HRESULT which breaks down the HRESULT code and makes life easier etc |
CScaler | Class for scaling to the full range of a datatype |
CScopeMessage | Message with tag and cargo for SyncQueues between controllers |
CStopCondition | Thread-safe lock-free bool to signal a requested stop to the worker function currently executed in the Active's thread |
CSynchronizedQueue | A synchronized, thread-safe queue was modeled after ringbuffer example from boost?! and/or a Herb Sutter column?! |