2 #include "ChannelView.h"
3 #include "../controllers/ScopeLogger.h"
4 #include "../controllers/ScopeController.h"
21 ATLASSERT(BeginPaint(&paint));
29 ATLASSERT(Invalidate(FALSE));
37 ::SendMessage(GetParent().m_hWnd, WM_UPDATEMOUSEPIXEL, wParam, lParam);
ID2D1Bitmap * GetBitmap()
void ResizeContent(const uint32_t &_xres, const uint32_t &_yres)
Resizes the bitmap of the renderer.
virtual bool Resize(const uint32_t &_xres, const uint32_t &_yres)
Resizes the render target.
LRESULT OnMouseMove(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL &bHandled)
Handles WM_MOUSEMOVE messages, just passes them on to ChannelFrame (the parent) via user-defined mess...
virtual void UpdateScaleText(const std::wstring &_text)
Update the scale text.
void OnPaint(CDCHandle)
Calls renderer and validates rect.
D2D1_SIZE_F GetSize(void) const
void OnDisplayChange(UINT, CSize)
Calls renderer.
virtual void UpdateScaleText(const std::wstring &_text)
Update the scale text.
int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
Creates the renderer.
void Render()
Calls renderer.Render.
virtual void Render()
Renders the bitmap and the scale text.
ID2D1Bitmap * Bitmap() const
This is the include file for standard system include files, or project specific include files that ar...
BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg)
Does nothing (-> disable default handling)
D2D1_SIZE_F GetRendererSize() const
d2d::D2ChannelRender renderer
the Direct2D renderer class
void OnSize(UINT, CSize size)
Calls renderer's resize.
bool ResizeBitmap(const uint32_t &_xres, const uint32_t &_yres)
Resizes the bitmap.
virtual void Create(const HWND &_hwnd, const uint32_t &_xres, const uint32_t &_yres)
Creates the render target for a hwnd, a bitmap with the desired resolution, a brushes for painting ...