2 #include "StorageSettingsPage.h"
7 CStorageSettingsPage::CStorageSettingsPage()
8 : folder_edit(&scope_controller.GuiParameters.storage.folder, true, true)
9 , autosave_checkbox(&scope_controller.GuiParameters.storage.autosave, true, true)
10 , savelive_checkbox(&scope_controller.GuiParameters.storage.savelive, true, true)
11 , usetifftags_checkbox(&scope_controller.GuiParameters.storage.usetifftags, true, true)
12 , compresstiff_checkbox(&scope_controller.GuiParameters.storage.compresstiff, true, true) {
27 CFolderDialog dlgFolder(NULL, L
30 if ( dlgFolder.DoModal() == IDOK )
CScopeCheckBoxCtrl compresstiff_checkbox
Checkbox for compress tiff option.
bool AttachToDlgItem(HWND hWnd)
Attach the control to a dialog item.
scope::ScopeController scope_controller
scope controller
CScopeEditCtrl< std::wstring > folder_edit
Edit control for storage folder.
Storage storage
the StorageParameters
LRESULT OnFolderButton(WORD wNotifyCode, WORD wID, HWND hWndCtl, BOOL &bHandled)
Opens dialog for folder choosing.
ScopeString folder
folder to Save into
This is the include file for standard system include files, or project specific include files that ar...
CScopeCheckBoxCtrl savelive_checkbox
Checkbox for save live option.
bool AttachToDlgItem(HWND hWnd)
Attach the control to a dialog item.
BOOL OnInitDialog(CWindow wndFocus, LPARAM lInitParam)
Handles dialog initialization.
CScopeCheckBoxCtrl usetifftags_checkbox
Checkbox for use tiff tags option.
CScopeCheckBoxCtrl autosave_checkbox
Checkbox for automatic save option.
static parameters::Scope GuiParameters
The complete pseudo-global parameter set of the microscope.