DAQmx::CDAQmxCounterOutTask Class Reference

#include <DAQmxTask.h>

Inherits DAQmx::CDAQmxTask.

Public Member Functions

void CreateCOChannel (const std::wstring &_counter, const std::wstring &_name=L"", int32 _idlestate=0, float64 _initdelay=0, float64 _lowtime=0.1, float64 _hightime=0.1)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DAQmx::CDAQmxTask
 ~CDAQmxTask (void)
void CreateTask (const std::wstring &_name=L"")
bool Created () const
void ConfigureImplicitTiming (const int32 &_mode, const int32 &_samplesperchan)
void ConfigureSampleTiming (const std::wstring &_src, const float64 &_rate, const int32 &_samplesperchan, const int32 &_samplingtype=DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, const int32 &_actedge=DAQmx_Val_Rising)
void ConfigureReferenceClock (const std::wstring &_src, const float64 &_rate)
void ConfigureDigStartTrigger (const std::wstring &_src, const int32 &_trigedge=DAQmx_Val_Rising)
void Start (void)
void Stop (void)
void Clear (void)
bool IsTaskDone (void)
int32_t WaitUntilDone (const float64 &_waittime)
void ExportSignal (int32 _signal, const std::wstring &_terminal)
void SetWriteOffset (int32 posreltofirst)
void SetRegeneration (const bool &_regenerate)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from DAQmx::CDAQmxTask
TaskHandle task_handle

Detailed Description

Wraps a DAQmx Counter Output task.

Definition at line 327 of file DAQmxTask.h.

Member Function Documentation

void DAQmx::CDAQmxCounterOutTask::CreateCOChannel ( const std::wstring &  _counter,
const std::wstring &  _name = L"",
int32  _idlestate = 0,
float64  _initdelay = 0,
float64  _lowtime = 0.1,
float64  _hightime = 0.1 

Creates a counter output task.

[in]_countername of the counter to use
[in]_namename to assign to the created channel
[in]_idlestateresting state of output terminal
  • DAQmx_Val_High 10192 // High
  • DAQmx_Val_Low 10214 // Low
[in]_initdelaytime in seconds to wait before the first pulse
[in]_lowtimetime in seconds between pulses (low state)
[in]_hightimetime in seconds of the pulse (high state)

Definition at line 395 of file DAQmxTask.cpp.

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