Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CActive< RT >An active object implementation
 CActive< bool >
 CActive< ControllerReturnStatus >
 Cscope::parameters::BaseAll parameter classes derive from this
 Cscope::BaseController< N_ACTIVES, STATIC_PIMPL >Base class for all controllers
 Cscope::BaseController< 1 >
 Cscope::BaseController< 1, true >
 Cscope::BaseController< SCOPE_NAREAS >
 Cscope::BehaviorModeHelperHow does the animal behavior trigger/gate acquisition?
 Cscope::BGRA8PixelEncapsulated a 4-byte pixel in BGRA format for use with Direct2D
 CDAQmx::CDAQmxTaskBase class for DAQmx tasks
 Cscope::ColorPropsEncapsulated lower and upper limit for range adjustment and color for displaying
 Cd2d::D2ChannelRenderHandles all Direct2D rendering in a CChannelView
 Cd2d::d2dfactory< policy_class >Simple wrapper around a Direct2D factory
 Cd2d::D2HistogramRenderHandles all Direct2D rendering in a CHistogramView
 Cscope::DaqChunkA DaqChunk contains data from all channels sequentially
 Cscope::DaqModeHelperDescribes the data acquisiton mode
 Cscope::DaqSamplingHelperSampling method (depending on card etc), either simultaneous (clock independent of channel number) or non-simultaneous samplingrate is maxrateaggregate/nochannels
 Cscope::DaqTimingHelperClass for the DAQmx timing, either by onboard clock, through a reference clock or by an external clock signal
 Cscope::parameters::InputsDAQmx::DiagnosisSome diagnosis parameters, more useful for FPGAs ..
 Cscope::parameters::InputsFPGANoiseOutput::DiagnosisKeeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together
 Cscope::parameters::InputsFPGADigitalDemultiplexer::DiagnosisKeeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together
 Cscope::parameters::InputsFPGAPhotonCounter::DiagnosisKeeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together
 Cscope::parameters::InputsFPGAAnalogDemultiplexer::DiagnosisKeeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together
 Cscope::parameters::InputsFPGAAnalogIntegrator::DiagnosisKeeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together
 Cscope::parameters::InputsFPGAResonanceScanner::DiagnosisKeeps the LEDs/ScopeNumber for FPGA diagnosis together
 Cd2d::DPIScaleHelper class to convert from screen mouse coordinates to device independent pixels for Direct2D
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cscope::FPGAInterfaceAbstract base class for FPGA classes
 Cscope::FPGAIO5751Handels the NI FlexRIO adapter module IO-5751
 Cscope::FPGAIO5771Handels the NI FlexRIO adapter module IO-5771
 Cscope::FPGAIO6587Handels the NI FlexRIO adapter module IO-6587
 Cscope::FPGAStatusCheckerHelper class to check the FPGA status value returned from NI FPGA C API
 Cscope::FPGAStatusT< ThrowException >Wrapper class for the FPGA status, templatized for throwing or non-throwing
 Cscope::FPGAStatusT< false >
 Cscope::ScopeController::FPUButtonsKeeps the buttons controlling FPU movements together
 Cscope::FPUControllerThe FPUController
 Cscope::GaterDAQmxStarts a DAQmx task that waits until the digital line is either high or low (depending on _waitforhigh) or until condition variable is notified
 CHResultChecker< ThrowException >Templated helper class to check an HRESULT and throw an exception (or not throw)
 CHResultChecker< false >Helper class definition to check an HRESULT and not throw an exception
 CHResultChecker< true >Helper class definition to check an HRESULT and throw an exception (currently disabled!)
 CHResultT< ThrowException >Class around a HRESULT which breaks down the HRESULT code and makes life easier etc
 CHResultT< true >
 Cscope::BaseController< N_ACTIVES, STATIC_PIMPL >::ImplImplementation class of the BaseController, uses std::async to execute worker functions in a separate thread
 Cscope::ScopeLogger::ImplImplementation class of the ScopeLogger
 Cscope::InputsWraps hardware connection for signal input from PMTs
 Cscope::InputsTypeHelperDescribes the type of signal input from PMTs
 Cscope::LUT_function< LBound, UBound, TResult, TArg >Class for generating a lookup table by providing a function to the constructor
 Cscope::OutputsWraps hardware connection for signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell
 Cscope::OutputsTypeHelperDescribes the type of signals output to scanners/fast z/Pockels
 Cscope::PixelmapperBasicParent class for pixel mappers
 Cscope::parameters::ScannerVectorFrameBasic::PresetThe class for presets
 Cd2d::RenderTargetWrapper around a Direct2D render target and the underlying Direct2D factory and IDWriteFactory
 Cscope::RunStateHelperDescribes the actual state of the scope
 CScaler< T >Class for scaling to the full range of a datatype
 Cscope::ScopeController::ScanModeButtonsKeeps the buttons controlling scan modes together
 Cscope::ScannerSupportedVectorsDescribes the scanner vector types that are supported for a given scanner type
 Cscope::ScannerTypeHelperDescribes the type of scanner
 Cscope::ScannerVectorFillTypeHelperDescribes the scanner vector fill type for different parameters::Outputs types :
 Cscope::ScannerVectorFrameBasicParent class for frame scans
 Cscope::ScannerVectorTypeHelperDescribes the scanner vector type
 Cscope::ScopeButtonMimicks a button, glue between the GUI and controller, used in ScopeController
 Cscope::ScopeDatatypeBase< T >Base class for all Scope datatypes here, provides a uniform interface (and saves typing...)
 Cscope::ScopeDatatypeBase< ZDeviceHelper >
 Cscope::ScopeHistogramA histogram for a uint16_t image with uint32_t counts
 Cscope::ScopeImage< T >A general image class
 Cscope::ScopeImageAccess< T >Gives RAII safe access (read&write) to the pixeldata of a ScopeImage
 Cscope::ScopeImageConstAccess< T >Gives RAII safe const access (read-only) to the pixeldata of a ScopeImage
 Cscope::ScopeLoggerA logger class to log various messages and user comments
 CScopeMessage< T >Message with tag and cargo for SyncQueues between controllers
 Cscope::ScopeMultiHistogramA multi channel histogram
 Cscope::ScopeMultiImageA multichannel image
 Cscope::ScopeMultiImageEncoderEncodes multi images to TIFF using Windows Imaging Components
 Cscope::ScopeOverlayOverlay of several gray-scale/uint16_t channels into one BGRA8 image
 Cscope::ScopeValueBaseBase class for a thread-safe value, with signals that are called on value changes
 Cscope::SerialConnectionClass around a Win32 API serial connection
 Cscope::ShutterControls a shutter via DAQmx one line digital output
 Cscope::StimulationsDAQmxWraps hardware connection for stimulation output with NI-DAQmx
 Cscope::StimulationVectorCalculates a basic digital stimulation pattern
 CStopConditionThread-safe lock-free bool to signal a requested stop to the worker function currently executed in the Active's thread
 Cscope::SwitchResonanceControls the relay for turning on and off the resonance scanner via DAQmx one line digital output
 CSynchronizedQueue< T >A synchronized, thread-safe queue was modeled after ringbuffer example from boost?! and/or a Herb Sutter column?!
 CSynchronizedQueue< const std::function< void(StopCondition *const sc)> >
 CSynchronizedQueue< ScopeMessage< SCOPE_DAQCHUNKPTR_T > >
 CSynchronizedQueue< ScopeMessage< SCOPE_MULTIIMAGEPTR_T > >
 Cscope::Uint16RangeHelperEnum for the usable data input range
 Cscope::XYControlBase class to control an xy-stage
 Cscope::XYZControlBase class to control an xyz-stage
 Cscope::ZDeviceHelperThe type of z control device that is used for a stack
 Cscope::ZeroOutputsDAQmxWraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx
 Cscope::ZeroOutputsDAQmxLineClockWraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx
 Cscope::ZeroOutputsDAQmxResonanceWraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to scanners, fast z control, and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx
 Cscope::ZeroOutputsDAQmxSlaveWraps hardware connection for zeroing signal output to fast z control and pockels cell with NI-DAQmx
 Cscope::ZoomResonanceControls the four-step zoom scaling for a resonance scanner by two DAQmx digital line outputs