scope::ScopeController::Impl Class Reference

#include <ScopeController_p.h>

Inherits scope::BaseController< N_ACTIVES, STATIC_PIMPL >::Impl.

Public Member Functions

 Impl ()
 ~Impl ()
void PrepareQuit ()
void Version () const
std::wstring CurrentConfigFile () const
void InitializeHardware ()
void StartLive ()
void StartStack ()
void StartSingle ()
void StartTimeseries ()
void StartBehavior ()
void Stop ()
void UpdateAreaParametersFromGui (const uint32_t &_area)
bool LoadParameters (const std::wstring &_filepath)
bool SaveParameters (const std::wstring &_filepath)
void SaveCurrentWindowPositions ()
void SetStageZero ()
void StackStartHere ()
void StackStopHere ()
void ZeroGalvoOutputs ()
void OpenCloseShutter (const uint32_t &_area, const bool &_open)
bool GetShutterState (const uint32_t &_area) const
void TurnOnOffSwitchResonance (const uint32_t &_area, const bool &_on)
bool GetSwitchResonanceState (const uint32_t &_area) const
void SetFPUButtonsState (const bool &state)
void SetGuiCtrlState ()
void AttachFrame (gui::CChannelFrame *const cframe)
void DetachFrame (gui::CChannelFrame *const cframe)
void AttachFrame (gui::CHistogramFrame *const hframe)
bool HistogramAlreadyAttached (const uint32_t &_area)
void DetachFrame (gui::CHistogramFrame *const hframe)
void ResolutionChange (const uint32_t &_area)
void SetHistogramLimits (const uint32_t &_area, const uint32_t &_channel, const uint16_t &_lower, const uint16_t &_upper)
void SetScanMode (const uint32_t &_area, const ScannerVectorType &_mode)
void RegisterScanmodeCallback (std::function< void(const uint32_t &, const ScannerVectorType &)> _callback)
- Public Member Functions inherited from scope::BaseController< N_ACTIVES, STATIC_PIMPL >::Impl
 Impl (const parameters::Scope &_parameters)
virtual void Start (const parameters::Scope &_params)
virtual void StopOne (const uint32_t &_a)
virtual void StopAll ()
virtual ControllerReturnStatus WaitForOne (const uint32_t &_a, const int32_t &_wait_time)
virtual ControllerReturnStatus WaitForAll (const int32_t &_wait_time)

Public Attributes

Hardware controllers
FPUController theFPUs

Protected Member Functions

 Impl (const Impl &i)
Impl operator= (const Impl &i)
void LogRun ()
void StartAllControllers ()
void StopAllControllers ()
void WaitForAllControllers ()
void ClearAllQueues ()
void SetScannerVectorParameters ()
ControllerReturnStatus RunLive (StopCondition *const sc)
ControllerReturnStatus RunSingle (StopCondition *const sc)
ControllerReturnStatus RunStack (StopCondition *const sc)
ControllerReturnStatus RunTimeseries (StopCondition *const sc)
ControllerReturnStatus RunBehavior (StopCondition *const sc)
void ClearAfterStop ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from scope::BaseController< N_ACTIVES, STATIC_PIMPL >::Impl
virtual ControllerReturnStatus Run (StopCondition *const ac, const uint32_t &_n)

Protected Attributes

std::array< SynchronizedQueue< ScopeMessage< SCOPE_DAQCHUNKPTR_T > >, SCOPE_NAREAS > daq_to_pipeline
SynchronizedQueue< ScopeMessage< SCOPE_MULTIIMAGEPTR_T > > pipeline_to_storage
SynchronizedQueue< ScopeMessage< SCOPE_MULTIIMAGEPTR_T > > pipeline_to_display
StopCondition repeat_abort
std::condition_variable waitbetweenrepeats_cond
std::mutex waitbetweenrepeats_mutex
std::future< void > onlineupdate_future
std::atomic< bool > onlineupdate_running
DWORD time
ScopeNumber< bool > initialparametersloaded
std::wstring currentconfigfile
std::vector< std::function< void(const uint32_t &, const ScannerVectorType &)> > scanmodecallbacks
ScopeLogger scope_logger
std::array< ScannerVectorFrameBasicPtr, SCOPE_NAREAS > framescannervecs
Dataflow controllers
DaqController theDaq
PipelineController thePipeline
StorageController theStorage
DisplayController theDisplay
- Protected Attributes inherited from scope::BaseController< N_ACTIVES, STATIC_PIMPL >::Impl
std::array< std::shared_future< ControllerReturnStatus >, N_ACTIVES > futures
std::array< StopCondition, N_ACTIVES > stops
parameters::Scope parameters

Detailed Description

The implementation class of the ScopeController.

Definition at line 32 of file ScopeController_p.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

scope::ScopeController::Impl::Impl ( const Impl i)

disable copy

scope::ScopeController::Impl::Impl ( )

Initializes and connects stuff.

Definition at line 377 of file ScopeController_p.h.

scope::ScopeController::Impl::~Impl ( )

Stop whatever is running.

Reimplemented from scope::BaseController< N_ACTIVES, STATIC_PIMPL >::Impl.

Definition at line 438 of file ScopeController_p.h.

Member Function Documentation

Impl scope::ScopeController::Impl::operator= ( const Impl i)

disable assignment

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::LogRun ( )

Logs the current scan (not live scans)

Definition at line 97 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StartAllControllers ( )

Starts all controllers with the current parameters.

Definition at line 123 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StopAllControllers ( )

Stops all controllers in the correct order and waits for them to finish.

Definition at line 132 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::WaitForAllControllers ( )

Waits for all controllers to intrinsically finish.

Only good for nframes runmode

Definition at line 154 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::ClearAllQueues ( )

Clear all queues between controllers.

Definition at line 162 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::SetScannerVectorParameters ( )

Set parameters for scanner vectors, since these are shared_ptr in DaqControllerDAQmx and PipelineController they get updated there too.

Definition at line 170 of file ScopeController_p.h.

ControllerReturnStatus scope::ScopeController::Impl::RunLive ( StopCondition *const  sc)

Worker function to control live scanning (basically only starting everything up)

Definition at line 177 of file ScopeController_p.h.

ControllerReturnStatus scope::ScopeController::Impl::RunSingle ( StopCondition *const  sc)

Worker function to control a single scan.

Definition at line 186 of file ScopeController_p.h.

ControllerReturnStatus scope::ScopeController::Impl::RunStack ( StopCondition *const  sc)

Worker function to control a stack scan.

Definition at line 197 of file ScopeController_p.h.

ControllerReturnStatus scope::ScopeController::Impl::RunTimeseries ( StopCondition *const  sc)

Worker function to control a timeseries scan.

Definition at line 271 of file ScopeController_p.h.

ControllerReturnStatus scope::ScopeController::Impl::RunBehavior ( StopCondition *const  sc)

Worker function to control a behavior triggered scan.

Definition at line 317 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::ClearAfterStop ( )

Clears queues, resets run state, and reenables controls.

Definition at line 359 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::PrepareQuit ( )

Called via CMainDialogFrame::QuitApplication.

Stops running threads etc, avoids destruction of these when the static pimpl gets destructed (probably very late or undefined).

Definition at line 444 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::Version ( ) const

Prints out the last Git commit date of the currently running version (see description at ScopeController::Version)

Definition at line 455 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::wstring scope::ScopeController::Impl::CurrentConfigFile ( ) const
the currently loaded config file

Definition at line 463 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::InitializeHardware ( )

(Re-)Initializes ScopeControllers own hardware components (XYControl/Stage, ZControl, and FPU stuff)

Definition at line 468 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StartLive ( )

Starts live scanning by running RunLive asynchronously.

Definition at line 475 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StartStack ( )

Start a stack scan by running RunStack asynchronously.

Definition at line 490 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StartSingle ( )

Starts a single frame scan by running RunSingle asynchronously.

Definition at line 504 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StartTimeseries ( )

Starts a timeseries by running RunTimeseries asynchronously.

Definition at line 518 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StartBehavior ( )

Starts a behavior triggered acquisition by running RunBehavior asynchronously.

Definition at line 537 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::Stop ( )

Stops whatever scanning is going on and clears the queues.

Definition at line 551 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::UpdateAreaParametersFromGui ( const uint32_t &  _area)

Updates area parameters and scanner vectors in the controllers from the GuiParameters set without stopping scanning.

Definition at line 578 of file ScopeController_p.h.

bool scope::ScopeController::Impl::LoadParameters ( const std::wstring &  _filepath)

Loads current parameter set from disk.

[in]_filepathpath and name of parameters on disk

Definition at line 623 of file ScopeController_p.h.

bool scope::ScopeController::Impl::SaveParameters ( const std::wstring &  _filepath)

Saves the current parameter set to disk.

[in]_filepathpath and name to save to

Definition at line 636 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::SaveCurrentWindowPositions ( )

Saves current positions of windows by adding frames to WindowCollection of ScopeController::GuiParameters.

Definition at line 643 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::SetStageZero ( )

Sets the current xyz stage position as zero.

Definition at line 651 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StackStartHere ( )

Sets the start stack position to the current z position.

Definition at line 656 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::StackStopHere ( )

Sets the stop stack position to the current z position.

Definition at line 670 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::ZeroGalvoOutputs ( )

Calls the DaqController to set Galvo outputs to zero.

Definition at line 684 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::OpenCloseShutter ( const uint32_t &  _area,
const bool &  _open 

Opens/closes the shutter.

Definition at line 692 of file ScopeController_p.h.

bool scope::ScopeController::Impl::GetShutterState ( const uint32_t &  _area) const
current state of the shutter

Definition at line 697 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::TurnOnOffSwitchResonance ( const uint32_t &  _area,
const bool &  _on 

Turns the resonance scanner relay on and off.

Definition at line 702 of file ScopeController_p.h.

bool scope::ScopeController::Impl::GetSwitchResonanceState ( const uint32_t &  _area) const
current state of the first resonance scanner relay

Definition at line 707 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::SetFPUButtonsState ( const bool &  state)

Sets the state of the GUI buttons for FPU control (via the corresponding ScopeButtons).

True = enabled, false = disabled.

Definition at line 712 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::SetGuiCtrlState ( )

Sets the state of GUI controls (via the corresponding ScopeNumbers).

True = read&write/enabled, false = readonly/disabled. Other GUI elements can connect to ReadOnlyWhileScanning.

Definition at line 723 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::AttachFrame ( gui::CChannelFrame *const  cframe)

Attach a CChannelFrame as observer.

Definition at line 757 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::DetachFrame ( gui::CChannelFrame *const  cframe)

Detach an observing CChannelFrame.

Definition at line 762 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::AttachFrame ( gui::CHistogramFrame *const  hframe)

Attach a CHistogramFrame as observer.

Definition at line 767 of file ScopeController_p.h.

bool scope::ScopeController::Impl::HistogramAlreadyAttached ( const uint32_t &  _area)
true if at least one histogram already attached to theDisplay for that area.

Definition at line 772 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::DetachFrame ( gui::CHistogramFrame *const  hframe)

Detach an observing CHistogramFrame.

Definition at line 777 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::ResolutionChange ( const uint32_t &  _area)

Called via change of GuiParameters.areas[x].framesaw.scanvec.xres etc.

Definition at line 782 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::SetHistogramLimits ( const uint32_t &  _area,
const uint32_t &  _channel,
const uint16_t &  _lower,
const uint16_t &  _upper 

Sets the color limits for displaying imgages, calls DisplayController::SetHistogramLimits.

Definition at line 787 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::SetScanMode ( const uint32_t &  _area,
const ScannerVectorType _mode 

Sets the type of scanning.

Called via ScopeController ScanModeButtons. Calls the scanmode callbacks. Updates/recreates the scanvectors from a different type and sets them in theDaq and thePipeline

Definition at line 794 of file ScopeController_p.h.

void scope::ScopeController::Impl::RegisterScanmodeCallback ( std::function< void(const uint32_t &, const ScannerVectorType &)>  _callback)

Registers a function to call when scanmode is changed.

Usually CScanSettingsSheet registers for switching between FrameScan property pages.

Definition at line 813 of file ScopeController_p.h.

Member Data Documentation

std::array<SynchronizedQueue<ScopeMessage<SCOPE_DAQCHUNKPTR_T> >, SCOPE_NAREAS> scope::ScopeController::Impl::daq_to_pipeline

queues from the daqs to the pipelines

Definition at line 37 of file ScopeController_p.h.

SynchronizedQueue<ScopeMessage<SCOPE_MULTIIMAGEPTR_T> > scope::ScopeController::Impl::pipeline_to_storage

queue from the pipelines to the storage

Definition at line 40 of file ScopeController_p.h.

SynchronizedQueue<ScopeMessage<SCOPE_MULTIIMAGEPTR_T> > scope::ScopeController::Impl::pipeline_to_display

queue from the pipelines to the display

Definition at line 43 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::array<ScannerVectorFrameBasicPtr, SCOPE_NAREAS> scope::ScopeController::Impl::framescannervecs

Scanner vectors.

The scanner vector for frame scanning

Definition at line 48 of file ScopeController_p.h.

StopCondition scope::ScopeController::Impl::repeat_abort

thread-safe bool to signal a requested abort of a stack scan

Definition at line 60 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::condition_variable scope::ScopeController::Impl::waitbetweenrepeats_cond

for abortable waiting between timeseries repeats

Definition at line 63 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::mutex scope::ScopeController::Impl::waitbetweenrepeats_mutex

for abortable waiting between timeseries repeats

Definition at line 66 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::future<void> scope::ScopeController::Impl::onlineupdate_future

future for the online update thread

Definition at line 69 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::atomic<bool> scope::ScopeController::Impl::onlineupdate_running

set if an online update is currently running, to prevent to simultaneous online update threads

Definition at line 72 of file ScopeController_p.h.

DWORD scope::ScopeController::Impl::time

stores the time to run a scan

Definition at line 75 of file ScopeController_p.h.

ScopeNumber<bool> scope::ScopeController::Impl::initialparametersloaded

true after parameter set on program start is loaded

Definition at line 78 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::wstring scope::ScopeController::Impl::currentconfigfile

currently loaded config

Definition at line 81 of file ScopeController_p.h.

std::vector<std::function<void(const uint32_t&, const ScannerVectorType&)> > scope::ScopeController::Impl::scanmodecallbacks

list of callbacks for scan mode switching

Definition at line 84 of file ScopeController_p.h.

ScopeLogger scope::ScopeController::Impl::scope_logger

a logger kept handy

Definition at line 87 of file ScopeController_p.h.

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