scope::gui::CLogFrame Class Reference

#include <LogFrame.h>

Inherits CFrameWindowImpl< CLogFrame >.

Public Member Functions

Called via Win32 messages
virtual void OnFinalMessage (HWND)
int OnCreate (LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
void OnDestroy ()
BOOL PreTranslateMessage (MSG *pMsg)
Called from ScopeLogger
void AppendLogText (const std::wstring &_text)
void ReplaceLogText (const std::wstring &_text)
std::wstring GetLogText ()

Protected Attributes

scope::ScopeLogger scope_logger
CLogView view
bool attached
CFont font

Detailed Description

Frame window class for the log.

Definition at line 10 of file LogFrame.h.

Member Data Documentation

scope::ScopeLogger scope::gui::CLogFrame::scope_logger

our ScopeLogger here

Definition at line 15 of file LogFrame.h.

CLogView scope::gui::CLogFrame::view

the view class inside the frame

Definition at line 18 of file LogFrame.h.

bool scope::gui::CLogFrame::attached

are we attached to the DisplayController?

Definition at line 21 of file LogFrame.h.

CFont scope::gui::CLogFrame::font

font for use inside the CLogView

Definition at line 24 of file LogFrame.h.

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